Aden Islamic Bank - Accounts


Aden Islamic Bank for Microfinance desires to deliver banking and financial services and to enhance the banking culture among the community, a set of accounts are offered to clients.

Current Account (on-demand account):

enables clients to manage their funds effectively and efficiently. It is the gateway to a world of integrated banking products and services that allows customers to withdrawal, deposit, transfers, pay bills, purchase and other services at anytime and anywhere through the electronic bank (Aden Bank) or through the interface of the core banking system (Aden online). The account can be opened for free and in various currencies.

Investment savings:

The bank provides savings account service to customers who want to save their money safely and earn profits during a period according to the Mudaraba system. The customer can manage his/ her account through the electronic application (Aden Mobily) or through the interface of the core banking system (Aden Online). The account can be opened for free and in various currencies.

Investment Deposits:

The Bank provides a deposit account to customers wishing to invest their money with profits from the investment under the Islamic Mudaraba System and under the supervision of the Legal Supervisory Authority. Profit ratios are distributed to depositors at the end of each calendar year depending on the Bank's investment of the deposited customer funds. The customer can create a deposit or break a deposit through the electronic application (Aden Mobily) or through the interface of the core banking system (Aden Online). The account can be opened for free and in various currencies.

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